Andrew Savage

Managing Director – Trust Care Ltd

Joanne was introduced to me by a colleague who had worked for several years as a Home Manager in one of Joanne’s own care homes. Joanne had sold her business and was now looking at how she could use her experience in the care home sector to support other businesses.

Joanne worked with Trust Care following our acquisition of a new care home that had areas requiring improvement.

 Joanne was tasked with assessing the current standards within the home and working with the homes team and our central support team to implement improvements across all areas of the home.

 During this time, I found Joanne had a very good grasp of what makes a care home successful alongside very strong interpersonal skills which assisted improvements being made in the home.

 I hold Joanne in high esteem and believe she offers a high level of expertise in improving quality care alongside achieving key business objectives.

Samuel Carr

Care Home Manager

“Joanne was supportive, approachable and an excellent mentor.”